Parent Resources

For all of your Confirmation needs as a parent

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What is my role as a parent in Confirmation?

Your role is indispensable. While your child’s sponsor will help him or her prepare for Confirmation and offer encouragement to continue to grow in faith, as parents you are your child’s “primary educator in the faith”.This role began at your child’s Baptism, and it continues throughout his or her adolescence and young adult life. The Catechism calls the family “the domestic Church” (CCC 1658) because it is primarily within the family that your child will learn how to live the teachings of Jesus, which lead to eternal life.

The two most important ways you can help form your child in the Faith are to practice your faith and pray. Regardless of your faith practice up to this point, God is calling you now to a deeper relationship with Him and the Church. It has been said, “The Church is not a museum of saints, but is a hospital for sinners.” so do not be afraid if you do not feel up to the task to leading your child closer to Christ. If necessary, renew your commitment to participate more fully in the life of the Church, through attending Mass every Sunday, going to Confession regularly, engaging in some form of service, and praying consistently for an increase of God’s grace in your life and the life of your family. 

From Ascension Press “Parent Guide” 

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